Dollar General Seeks to Diversify Supplier Base
Dollar General is looking to diversify its supplier base to reflect its goal to remove or mitigate unintended barriers for suppliers and help increase the representation of these groups in the communities it serves.
The application process is available online here and will be open through the close of business on August 7. Virtual meetings with Dollar General’s supplier diversity team will be held from Sept. 25-29.
“We’re excited to seek new vendors to help ensure the unique customers and communities we serve have relevant products they depend on us to carry,” said Emily Taylor, Dollar General’s executive vice president and chief merchandising officer. “An intentional investment in supplier diversity reflects Dollar General’s mission of serving others and core values that include ‘respecting the dignity and differences of others.’ We look forward to connecting with new vendors to extend our supplier diversity efforts and learn how we can collaboratively better serve our customers.”
Eligible suppliers must hold at least one of the following diversity certifications and have not sold products to Dollar General within the past 18 months.
Eligible Diversity Certifications
- National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)
- Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)
- National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC)
- National Veteran Owned Business Association (NaVOBA)
- Disability: IN
Efficient Collaborative Retail Marketing (ECRM) will notify selected companies by email with the time of their meeting by Aug. 21, 2023. For additional information on Dollar General’s diverse supplier program, visit DG Supplier Diversity (