Saputo's Terry Brockman Honored With Chair's Award at IDDBA 2023
International Deli Dairy and Bakery Association (IDDBA) Board Chair Dominique Delugeau handed out the annual Chair Award at the IDDBA 2023 trade show in Anaheim, Calif., awarding this year’s honor to Terry Brockman, chief business officer at Saputo, Inc.
Delugeau, who also serves as VP of Business Development at Saputo, presented Brockman with the award on Monday during the General Sessions. Brockman has been with the dairy manufacturing giant since 1997, and has served as chief business officer since September of 2020.
“This award is given to an individual who made an extravagant commitment to serving the dairy, deli and bakery industry,” said Delugaeu. “In 14 years [as chief operating officer], he contributed at Saputo by playing hero in business development, dairy procurement, government affairs and mergers & acquisitions. But more importantly for me, Terry has been a mentor and a friend…”
Based in Madison, Wis., Saputo manufactures cheese for its brands and private label clients in North America and Europe, as well as Australia and Argentina.
“IDDBA’s ability to bring people together, build relationships and promote businesses is exceptional,” said Brockman. “I would not be here today without the support and assistance of many great coworkers and colleagues at Saputo throughout the years.”
IDDBA 2024 will be held in Houston, Texas. For more information, visit