Petco launches WholeHearted dog food line
Petco said it launched WholeHearted, an exclusive private brand of natural dog food featuring thoughtfully crafted recipes with quality ingredients and healthy nutrients. The San Diego-based retailer said its nutrition and product innovation experts developed the affordable product line, which is available in both wet and dry options, in-house. The line is said to feature wholesome ingredients perfect for dogs of all breeds and life stages.
"We know our customers are looking for a high-quality food with natural ingredients for their dogs, and by creating our own line we're able to offer just that, at a great price point," said Rebecca Frechette, senior vice president, merchandising for Petco. "WholeHearted features life-changing stories from real Petco customers on every bag, celebrating the special bond they share with their pets and the important role high-quality nutrition plays in their daily lives together."
Both wet and dry WholeHearted recipes are grain-free and contain no corn, wheat or soy. They include antioxidants for immunity, as well as omega-3 fatty acids for a healthy skin and coat. The brand's formulas also feature essential vitamins and minerals for balanced nutrition, Petco said. The dry formulas include real protein as the first ingredient and canine probiotics to support healthy digestion.
The complete line of WholeHearted dog food is available now at all Petco and Unleashed by Petco locations, as well as online at
In support of the launch, Petco said it is inviting pet parents to post a photo of their pet on Instagram and share how their pet transformed their lives using the hashtag #WholeHeartedPets. Every Monday until Sept. 18, one pet parent will be chosen to receive a $100 gift card and the opportunity to be featured on future WholeHearted packaging. Additionally, until Nov. 5, customers who purchase WholeHearted will receive double PALS rewards.