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How will ALDI and Lidl disrupt the U.S. grocery market?


In the past decade, the U.S. grocery landscape has undergone enormous change. Now two growth-driven German retailers are set to disrupt the grocery industry even more. ALDI, the "sleeping giant of retail," has been busy aggressively expanding its footprint as it prepares for the entry of its rival, Lidl, to the U.S. grocery market in 2018. Lidl shares many of the same capabilities as ALDI but brings with it a high level of agility and speed of adaptation.

During Store Brands' 2016 Innovation & Collaboration Summit, Mike Paglia, director of retail insights for Kantar Retail, Wilton, Conn., will examine the success of ALDI and Lidl and outline how he expects their presence to impact the U.S. grocery market in coming years. He will share information gleaned from  performance data, market-level analysis, shopper research and in-depth interviews with retail executives across the globe.

Store Brands' Innovation & Collaboration Summit will be held Aug. 15-17 at the Hyatt Grand Cypress hotel in Orlando, Fla. The event will feature an innovation-focused education program that will help retailers, suppliers and service providers take today's store brand programs to the next level. In addition, the summit will provide opportunities for private meetings between retailers and private label suppliers/service providers — and plenty of networking time for everyone.

Created with the guidance of Store Brands' Advisory Board, the event is the only conference of its kind in the United States. Attendees will learn how to identify untapped or under-tapped private brand opportunities, achieve greater profitability and faster time to market, and forge mutually beneficial collaborative partnerships.

Sessions will cover topics ranging from sustainability and transparency to European success stories, regulatory challenges and omnichannel opportunities. For more information and to register for the summit, visit

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