From the Frontlines: Battling COVID-19
In countries like Italy, where many companies do big private brand business for U.S. retailers, travel bans and lockdowns present heavy challenges for companies looking to continue store brand business in the states. In response to the running “Frontlines” series, a few shared with Store Brands their experiences.
Please share how you’re handling business operations during the pandemic with Dan Ochwat, executive editor, Store Brands, at [email protected].
Jakob Zuegg, CFO, Freezeat, Italy
“Being Italian, you can imagine that this isn't an easy time for us. Three trade shows, of which one, ECRM, have already been canceled and who knows what the rest of the year will look like. We have lost out on many business opportunities and our country is suffering from the shut down to an extent that none of us could have imagined just a few weeks ago.”
Zuegg said he’s urging fellow Italian business owners to do things “you always say you’re too busy to do. Clean out your garage and finish building that treehouse with your kids.”