Rising Stars in Private Label 2020Recognizing more than 40 young, talented movers in the private brand industry The decline of China's gray-market smugglers is pushing Alibaba to recruit global brandsFranklin Chu of Azoya USA breaks down how Alibaba is looking to recruit brands, including store brands, for its Tmall Global platform amid the Chinese government's intervention on smugglers Maintaining Momentum December issue cover report looks at what the industry needs to do — and not do — to keep private brands flourishing in the years ahead The top stories of 2018 Private brands were the talk of retail, as evidenced by many of our top 10 stories of the year How retailers are promoting gluten-free products Store brands can offer tasty and affordably priced items with a flair of their own Creating the covetable How retailers can leverage limited-time and exclusive offerings to generate excitement and tap into consumers’ fear of missing out What retailers need to know about the revised Nutrition Facts Label That emphasis on calories plus a requirement to include “added sugars” could lead to expensive product reformulations Small things make a difference to storm-stressed customers During routine thunderstorms and snowstorms, grocery retailers could provide much better customer service Blog: Retailers should be more creative and aggressive in robust pet care category For ‘Wegmaniacs’ a great brand is worth the wait First Previous 5 6 7 8 9 Next Last