a close up of a bottle

Cheers, from Store Brands!

Dan Ochwat, executive editor of Store Brands, shares his Aldi advent calendar experience, and wishes the private label industry a wonderful holidays before things get too crazy.

Today is Dec. 1, a special day in the private label universe and my home, because, together, we get to begin our Aldi advent calendars!

Even before I became an editor at Store Brands magazine, my mother-in-law would set an alarm and sprint to get her position in line for Aldi-advent-calendar-release day, purchasing a bevy of calendars at a location in East Peoria, Ill., for myself, my wife and my son. She also gets me some from Costco. (Hey, I’m a kid at heart, who likes beer, wine, cheese and chocolate calendars.)

a group of people walking down a street
As taken by mother-in-law

This year, she went again, and there’s a photo (at right) of the line she stood in prior to the doors opening. I share this story because I find it fun, a break from the news we write daily, but also to say that loyalty for retailers is real. 

That’s a very obvious statement coming from a trade journalist in the retail space; one who is often given numbers to back that up, sales data, social impressions, year-over-year gains of some sort. But, I think an anecdote like mine can be just as powerful, because I witness it in my daily life. I see it and feel it.

My mother-in-law wouldn’t wait in line if she didn’t think it was worth it and if she didn’t truly believe in that store. To her, she can depend on that local Aldi to have the calendars she needs every year, along with chocolates for stockings or a cheese ball for entertaining. And this is important, she wants to spread joy for the holidays and that loyalty is vital to her, it's a trust that she'll enjoy another holiday season.

a bottle of wine sitting on top of a wooden table
As taken by me

And on that, I wanted to wish all of the readers and the entire private label universe a happy and healthy holidays, too. I know it’s only Dec. 1, but things are about to get crazy for everyone in the weeks ahead, so while it’s quiet, I thought why not get the well wishes out early, and share with you a heartfelt thanks for reading, participating in our events and being part of Store Brands.

Everyone on this staff truly appreciates your partnership and we hope to continue to build that partnership together.

In January, we have a new Store Brands Industry Forum, dedicated to trends in nonfood innovation, and five more in 2022. We hope you can be part of them. We also hope to see you at live in-person trade shows in the year ahead and hope you continue to read our daily newsletter and the news we put out daily. I hope the content is serving you well,  and if not, message me and let me know.

At this magazine, we strive to provide something someone would want to stand in line for before the doors open, provide coverage of the industry the right way and provide the best possible content on private label to help you and your business.

So let's celebrate private label calendar day together, from wherever you get your calendars, or however you celebrate the holidays, and however you celebrate the New Year ahead. For me, I simply say, “Cheers, from Store Brands!” And let’s have a strong, healthy and happy 2022.

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