5/5/2020 Retailers have focused on educating consumers and thanking staff, but perhaps things are changing
4/20/2020 Seth Mendeslon, Store Brands' editor in chief, says private brand manufacturers, retailers stepped up to the coronavirus pandemic
3/26/2020 For grocers, new consumers are testing out curbside pickup; for stores like GameStop, it’s the only option
3/25/2020 Canceled travel and events are forcing companies to connect virtually
3/24/2020 Despite the retail challenges at large due to COVID-19, Seth Mendelson finds that retailers are making it easy on the shopper
3/20/2020 Overall feeling is shopping trips are going well — paper goods indeed are hard to find, food is available, store brands get preferred treatment
3/18/2020 Shoppers hoarding toilet paper has been a thing during the COVID-19 pandemic; Seth Mendelson went on the hunt and succeeded
3/18/2020 Ulta is temporarily closing stores, social distancing, no sampling, no in-store beauty care services, the retailer experience takes a hit during the coronavirus pandemic
3/16/2020 Store Brands managing editor David Salazar talks to Rite Aid's CEO Heyward Donigan on the importance of keeping employees healthy to help lead during the COVID-19 pandemic
3/15/2020 In the first entry of a new blog series, Store Brands editor in chief Seth Mendelson highlights some of the ways he's seen retailers step up to help customers navigate the COVID-19 outbreak