Town & Country Markets Adds Private Brand Coffee
Town & Country Markets continues to expand its private brand product assortment with the launch of its EveryDay Coffee line. The new assortment features special blends that were chosen by company employees to represent each of its six market locations.
According to the grocer, T&C’s new coffee line is ethically and sustainably sourced, fresh, organic, and roasted to order in small batches. Each market’s staff selected their favorite blend of beans to represent the neighborhood. Available in whole bean or pre-ground, each flavor profile stands out among Seattle’s coffee-loving population.
“We’re thrilled to continue connecting our employees to the EveryDay line, garnering their input and taste preference for the release of the coffee blends,” said Susan Allen, director of Town & Country Markets. “The new blends also celebrate our communities, paying homage to each with its unique flavor profile based on local preference. I’m grateful to the team and our partner for playing a crucial role in making these varieties so special.”
The coffee line includes six flavors: Shoreline Interurban blend, Bainbridge Island blend, Ballard Red Letter blend, Mill Creek Neighborhood blend, Lakemont Mountain blend and Poulsbo Farmhouse blend.
The six blends were chosen by Town & Country team members at a recent employee summit. Starting with 16 brands, employees helped narrow down the list to four potential vendors based on various criteria. Internal coffee experts and enthusiasts then evaluated the remaining suppliers, ultimately selecting two based on their high-quality product, attributes, and programs. The two versions were then tested in each market, with employees voting to determine the final selection for their market's coffee, also considering sales and customer preference for the roasts.
The debut of the EveryDay coffee follows the release of T&C’s EveryDay Eggs, Milk (in cartons designed by employees), Honey, and Maple Syrup, which was previously reported by Store Brands.
Free-range eggs. From Washington chickens who spend their days roaming over green, grassy fields, unfettered by the confines of regular chicken society.
Fresh milk. Produced by family-run local farms. Available in whole, low fat, 1%, and nonfat, each carton features artwork created by talented T&C team members.
Honey. Organic, true sourced, certified, and guaranteed 100% honey from Washington State. The larger 16 oz. size allows T&C to bring you this pure, unadulterated local honey at a significant value. The Save the Bees seal on the label shows its support for this organization working to revive the Earth’s bee populations.
Maple syrup. Tapped by Sugarman’s, a co-op of syrup-obsessed Vermonters. Not a blend, this single-source organic syrup delivers the absolute essence of Vermont maple.