Own Brands Growth A Priority For Albertsons
“While we have grown this business significantly and faster than the market, it is still under-penetrated compared to industry benchmarks and is one of our biggest growth customer acquisition and customer retention opportunities,” he said. “To capture these opportunities, we are rolling out a store-based five-star certification program to ensure we are delivering a consistent and elevated level of customer service, as well as a series of targeted marketing initiatives to grow sales and penetration.”
While Albertsons takes steps internally to grow market share, Sankaran acknowledged the competitive forces the company faces.
“We have a mass retailer and a club retailer that are growing much faster than us,” he said. “And no matter what anybody thinks, they are real competitors to us. We know that to win in the marketplace, we have to compete with them and we have to get better performance to gain market share overall.”
Albertsons’ mobile app is also a key tool in the company’s efforts to further enhance customer loyalty as it serves as an entry point for digital and personalized marketing. In April of 2024, the company launched a new effort to make it easier for shoppers to earn points and redeem coupons, fuel, and grocery rewards, allowing customers to redeem points for dollars off their grocery bill.
“Since the launch, we've seen more frequent engagement, higher retention, and increased customer spend,” Sankaran said. “Going forward, we expect to continue to see increased adoption and we will leverage strategic partnerships to provide our members with even more ways to get rewarded.”
Additionally, Albertsons has continued to develop its productivity engine, designed to improve efficiencies and improve costs. Over the next three years, the company plans to deliver $1.5 billion in savings to invest in its customer value proposition and growth initiatives as well as to offset inflationary headwinds.
“To achieve this, we are leveraging our recent investments in technology and the latest innovations and business best practices to build industry-leading capabilities and reduce costs,” the Albertsons’ CEO said. “The first of these initiatives is leveraging our consolidated scale to buy goods for resale. The next is transforming our ways of working, including rebalancing our onshore and offshore activities.”