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Numerator Breaks Down Who Is Shopping At Target

New figures break out who shopped the Minneapolis, Minn.-based retailer in 2024
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New Numerator data shows that nearly half of Target's shoppers are classified as middle income.

It’s been an interesting first three months of 2025 for Target.

Following its fourth quarter and full-year sales figures that proved disappointing, the retailer immediately unveiled a growth plan that, among other things, included a sharper focus on expanding its assortment of private label products.

As the retail world closely watches Target’s progress into the second quarter, new data from Numerator is painting a picture of who shopped the Minneapolis, Minn.-based retailer in 2024.

More than three-quarters of U.S. households (78%) shopped at Target at least once this past year, with the average shopper spending $1,087. The customer repeat rate was 86%.

Based on income, 47% of Target shoppers are classified middle income ($40,000 - $125,000 annually), 32% are labeled higher income ($125,000 or more), and 21% are lower income (less than $40,000).

Most of Target’s shoppers live in urban or suburban areas (38% and 39% respectively) while 23% of those who shop the retailer live in rural areas. Additionally, 68% of Target shoppers own a home.

The insights from Numerator into the makeup of Target shoppers come just days after a report from YouGov revealed that Target is the second most popular destination for groceries among U.S. consumers, trailing only Walmart. Nearly two-thirds of the 22,000 respondents chose Walmart as their top destination for groceries, with Target second at 42.5%. 

Across the four key generation groups (Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers), Walmart and Target finished first and second.

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