Digimarc teams with New Season Market on new barcode technology
Digimarc, a Beaverton, Ore.-based tech company, is teaming with New Season Market, a West Coast neighborhood grocer, to deploy its new GS1 Digital Link Barcode for Packaging and Thermal Labels to enable a faster and more accurate checkout experience.
According to Digimarc, the Digimarc barcode will now be able to provide web connections for consumers according to the standard and also be leveraged for product transparency initiatives, including SmartLabel and the recently adopted Bioengineered Food Standard for disclosing GMOs. The same Digimarc barcode, repeated many times across a package for reliability and efficiency, can also be used for improving inventory management, product traceability and manufacturing inspection solutions.
“Retailers across the globe are under pressure to adapt and make significant technology upgrades to address evolving consumer expectations for robust product information and transparency,” said Bob Carpenter, president and CEO of GS1 US. “GS1 Digital Link seeks to address that need by providing a digitally enabled unique identifier along with brand-authorized product information to accurately inform consumer purchase decisions via product packaging.”
In January, Digimarc announced that it was teaming up with HP, a multinational information technology company, to combine their expertise and develop a new serialized package printing solution.