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Walmart, Sam's Club Launch Annual Anti-Hunger Campaign

The retailers are again teaming up with Feeding America to help those in need across the U.S.
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Walmart and Sam's Club are hosting their annual donation drive to help fight hunger.

For the 12th consecutive year, all U.S. Walmart and Sam's Club locations are teaming up with their customers, members, suppliers, and associates for the Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign to support the Feeding America network of partner food banks. 

The annual donation campaign, running March 1-31, kicks off a celebration of 20 years of partnership between WalmartSam's Club, and Feeding America. During that time, approximately $271 million in donations have been made, including $177 million from the company and the Walmart Foundation and nearly $95 million from shoppers and members. 

Walmart and Sam's Club have also donated more than 9 billion pounds of food to the Feeding America network of local food banks and partner agencies since 2006.

"Our extraordinary partnership is grounded in a shared belief that ending hunger in America is possible," said Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, Feeding America's CEO. "For two decades, Walmart and Sam's Club have brought bold, impactful ideas to the table, and executed them consistently and with purpose. We are grateful for all they've done and all that's to come." 

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The Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign will run online and in stores. Shoppers can participate in three years: 

  • For every participating product purchased in store or online at or, the supplier will donate the monetary equivalent of at least one meal on behalf of a Feeding America partner food bank at Walmart and five meals at Sam's Club, up to applicable limits. See specially marked packages for full details.
  • Donate at check-out in stores or clubs or online at and the Walmart app.
  • Donate at the Feeding America's Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign site at either or

During the campaign, all donations stay local. Sales-activated supplier donations and register donations are directed to a local Feeding America partner food bank located within a store or club's community. Since its inception in 2014, the campaign has helped to secure nearly 2 billion meals for people facing hunger. 

"For the past 20 years, Feeding America, Walmart, and Sam's Club have collaborated to help people live better in the communities we serve,” said Julie Gehrki, president of the Walmart Foundation and senior vice president at Walmart. “Together, we have supported the charitable meal system's ability to recover more food donations from retailers and use tech-powered solutions that help food banks and agencies serve more people." 

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