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Topco and ATG partner to offer TradeView Analytics


Elk Grove Village, Ill.-based Topco Associates LLC and Audit Technology Group (ATG), Libertyville, Ill., announced Avantis Partners, a new joint venture that combines ATG’s transaction data aggregation analytics platform with Topco’s category management expertise. Avantis Partners delivers retailers with on-demand views of vendor performance through a SaaS application known as TradeView Analytics. The application offers visibility into trade funds at the most detailed item level, providing a comprehensive picture of net costs, as well as comparative benchmarks to drive optimal vendor negotiations. TradeView Analytics is available to all retailers.

TradeView Analytics was first developed in collaboration with Brookshire Grocery Co., a Tyler, Texas-based 150-store grocer and long-time member of Topco, who wanted better visibility into vendor performance, Topco said. 

“Our folks spent an inordinate amount of time cutting and pasting incomplete information to prepare for vendor meetings,” said Kevin Albritton, executive vice president, sales and marketing for Brookshire’s. “Now, with TradeView Analytics we have on-demand views of everything needed to target negotiating opportunities. Better information helps us know what to negotiate.”

Leveraging TradeView Analytics brings tremendous potential to its members, Topco added.

“Topco is committed to delivering innovative solutions that provide our members with a competitive advantage through reduced costs and improved business capabilities,” said Randy Skoda, president and CEO, Topco. “When we learned about Brookshire using ATG’s TradeView Analytics, we saw the opportunity this solution could bring in helping Topco Members aggregate center store transaction data and gain greater visibility into trade funds. We are now in the process of rolling this program out to the full membership.”  

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