Thrive Market Fulfillment Center Certified For Zero Waste Efforts
Thrive Market’s fulfillment center in Hanover, Pa., has been awarded Gold level certification by Green Business Certification, Inc. (GBCI) under its Total Resource Use and Energy (TRUE) rating system.
TRUE helps facilities measure, improve and recognize zero waste performance by encouraging the adoption of sustainable waste management and reduction practices, which contribute to positive environmental, health and economic outcomes.
“We’re honored to earn the Zero Waste certification for our Hanover property, marking our third and final fulfillment center to achieve this important designation,” said Nick Green, co-founder and CEO of Thrive Market. “Earning this certification ladders up to our five-year sustainability goals, including achieving Zero Waste certification across our fulfillment network in 2022.”
According to officials at Thrive Market, as a minimum requirement, facilities must meet an average of 90% or higher overall waste diversion during a 12-month period. The company also had to focus on its upstream efforts including redesigning, reducing and reusing of materials, not limited to downstream efforts.
Thrive officials told Store Brands the TRUE Gold level certification is an affirmation of the company’s commitment to sustainability. When choosing vendors to work with, the company gives preference to suppliers that meet robust third-party social and environmental certification criteria.
“We are committed to forging supplier relationships that lead to positive outcomes for society and the environment,” a company spokesperson said. “We have an environmental purchasing policy in place to encourage the purchase and use of materials, products, and services that incorporate environmental, social, community, and performance goals.”
The company views the TRUE certification as an investment in Thrive Market’s vision to become the world’s first climate positive grocery store.
“We believe our purpose-built approach uniquely positions us to be the leading platform for the rapidly-growing conscious living movement our members champion—a broad based shift in consumer lifestyle towards health and wellness, environmental sustainability, and social impact,” the spokesperson said.
Additionally, the certification is seen by the company as a step forward in its five-year sustainability goals that were put forth in 2021. Other goals on the horizon for Thrive is being plastic neutral by 2023 and carbon negative by 2025.