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Target commits to responsibly sourcing wood-based products

Minneapolis-based Target Corp. recently released a statement that it is committed to sourcing wood-based products from well-managed forests to avoid contributing to deforestation or forest degradation. Target said the commitment applies to all of its store brand products and packaging containing a majority of wood-based material.

“Target will work actively with its vendors, suppliers, and other stakeholders to implement our policy by eliminating any unacceptable sources and progressively increasing the amount of responsible wood, paper, paper-based packaging and wood-based fiber over time. Our long-term intention is that all wood, paper, paper-based packaging and wood-based fiber used in products that we purchase and sell is sourced from well-managed forests that have been credibly certified and/or are from post-consumer recycled materials.”

Target said it requires wood, paper, paper-based packaging and wood-based fiber vendors to comply with the requirements of the U.S. Lacey Act, which protects both plants and wildlife by creating civil and criminal penalties for a wide array of violations. Target also said when certified or recycled materials are not available, it will work with its suppliers to ensure they are meeting policy requirements.

The retailer stated that vendors of products made of wood, paper, paper-based packaging and wood-based fiber covered under the scope of this policy should ensure that their products do not contain the following categories:

· Illegally harvested and traded timber;

· Timber harvested in violation of traditional or civil rights;

· Timber harvested from areas in which high conservation values are threatened by poor forest management activities;

· Timber harvested from areas being converted from forests and other wooded ecosystems to plantations or non-forest use;

· Timber from forests in which genetically modified trees are planted.

As far as implementation, Target said it can’t address all vendors and products at once so prioritization is key.

“This commitment is being progressively implemented through a program to improve the sustainability of our supply chain,” the company stated. “We will work with our vendors to trace the origin of our raw materials. In implementing this policy, not only will we determine the origin of the raw materials in our products, but attempt to improve the sustainability of forests where the timber in those products was grown. As we implement this policy, we will monitor and report on our progress.

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