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Pig ear dog treats recalled in 30 states

Pet Supplies Plus is recalling its bulk pig ear products at all of its locations.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are investigating a possible link between pig ear dog treats and a salmonella outbreak in humans that is resistant to many antibiotics.

According to the FDA, pig ear dog treats that are sold in more than 30 states are being recalled since the announcement of the investigation. So far, 45 people in 13 states have been diagnosed with salmonella, with no deaths yet reported. The CDC suspects that it is contact with pig ear dog treats that is the probable cause of the outbreak.

According to the CDC, 34 out of the 45 people who were infected said they came in contact with a dog before falling ill and 17 people reported contact with pig ear treats or dogs who were fed the treats before their diagnosis. The CDC said it does not collect data on the number of animals diagnosed with salmonella and the FDA said it’s currently unaware of the number of dogs that may have been infected.

According to CNBC, Michigan-based retailer Pet Supplies Plus, which has more than 430 stores in 33 states, said last week that it’s recalling its bulk pig ear products at all of its locations. Pet Supplies Plus said none of the salmonella cases have been confirmed to be linked to products sold at its stores.

The company said the treats were sourced from multiple vendors. The FDA said it’s working with Pet Supplies Plus to determine the source of the pig ear treats, how they were contaminated and where they were distributed.

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