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Lidl to sell reusable polyester bags

A Lidl spokesman told Bio Market Insights that the bags were made from durable polyester.

Lidl is looking to boost its sustainability cred by offering polyester-based reusable bags.

According to Bio Market Insights, a U.K. media outlet, the company informed them it has become the first supermarket in the U.K. to introduce reusable fruit and vegetable bags across all stores nationwide to help reduce plastic waste in the long term.

A Lidl spokesman told Bio Market Insights that the bags were made from durable polyester and were designed to be “machine-washable and long lasting”. It is unclear whether the initiative will be brought to the U.S.

The announcement comes after the company announced its plans to reduce its plastic waste by 20% by 2022 and ensure 100% of its own-brand packaging is widely recyclable, reusable, refillable or renewable by 2025.

To read the Bio Market Insights article, click here.

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