Impact Awards 2022: Associated Wholesale Grocers, Community Service/Local Impact
Retailers, product suppliers and service providers across the private label industry work on a daily basis to provide consumers quality products that offer great value and enhance their lives. But many companies go above and beyond, and take steps daily to protect the environment, enhance diversity programs, implement unique workforce initiatives, support needed community programs and more.
To honor the work of companies across our industry, Store Brands’ 2022 Impact Awards features several leading organizations that throughout the year have taken steps to support their customers and communities beyond the walls of their stores or manufacturing facilities.
The following profiles showcase the work of companies in several important categories: Sustainability and Resource Conservation; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Ethical Sourcing and Supply Chain Transparency; Workforce Development and Employee Support; Community Service and Local Impact; Educational Support and Learning Advancement; Food Security, Safety and Nutritional Leadership; and Philanthropic Innovation and Corporate Giving Initiatives.
Company: Associated Wholesale Grocers
Impact Award: Community Service/Local Impact
Through its Best Choice Save-A-Label program, Kansas City-based Associated Wholesale Grocers (AWG) was able to donate $116,850 to schools and non-profit organizations in the AWG trade area in 2022. Participating organizations and schools collect AWG Brands labels and send them in for funds.
In addition, AWG Brands will give each organization a bonus of $30 when they send in their first label submission of the year. The funds have helped a variety of organizations in different ways such as providing blankets for children who are ill or in need, preserving a historical museum, helping students attend field trips and more.
Through a monthly email newsletter, AWG Brands communicates with participants highlighting an organization of the month, sharing fundraising tips and other information. AWG retailers promote the Save-A-Label program in their stores, reaching shoppers and helping organizations in their communities.
AWG’s Save-A-Label program is a perfect example of the good that can happen when a retailer partners with the community to give back.