To compensate for the bite that income tax will undoubtedly take out of many of its customers’ wallets, online grocer FreshDirect is providing an 8.875 percent discount for orders of unlimited value placed on April 15 – the income tax filing deadline -- from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. The percentage equals the combined New York City and New York state sales taxes.
To be eligible for the discount, orders must be delivered on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Old and new customers alike can take advantage of the discount.
File Under ‘Fun’
“FreshDirect’s Tax Day promotion is a fun way to surprise and delight current and prospective customers on an often stressful day,” noted Jodi Kahn, chief consumer officer at the Long Island City, N.Y.-based e-grocer. She added that the discount was “one of many ‘fresh’ new marketing campaigns rolling out, including a recent April Fools’ prank when we ‘launched’ eagle-caught salmon.”