Ahold Delhaize USA sales up 3 percent in third quarter
Zaandam, the Netherlands-based Ahold Delhaize reported that comparable sales for its U.S. grocery operations, Ahold Delhaize USA, grew 3 percent compared to the previous quarter, excluding gasoline, with positive volume growth. Ahold Delhaize USA’s banners include Food Lion, Stop & Shop, Giant/Martin’s, Giant and Hannaford. Sales of its online grocery business, Peapod, rose 11.8 percent in the quarter.
"We continued to renew our store network and invest in our digital capabilities and new technologies to make shopping easier for customers, while offering them even more options to live healthier lives,” Frans Muller, CEO of Ahold Delhaize, said in a press release announcing the results. “In the U.S., Stop & Shop remodeled all its stores in the Hartford, Conn., area, as the first phase of its repositioning program.”